Hey everyone, hope you’re all staying safe. I went to my friend Annabel’s social distancing birthday party, and her neighbor brought over almost all of her chickens. I held one and fell in love with her. Her name is summer and she is literally the most well behaved chicken ever! I hold the other ones and they either jump out of my arms or run away before I can pick them up. And one even peed on me!!! But summer never runs and will never jump out of your arms. When I was like 4 my family got chickens and I named my favorite one pinkie. My family would let the chickens free roam during the day, and one day my dad went to put the chickens back in their cage but my dad couldn’t find pinkie anywhere. Basically all the chickens either wandered off or were eaten by hawks. Even though we “lost” are chickens then me and my family are considering getting more chickens.